Effects of Virtual reality in children

Effects of Using Virtual Reality Headset on Children Peri-operative Anxiety

Perioperative Anxiety in Children: Harnessing the Power of Virtual Reality Technology Perioperative anxiety, the fear and apprehension experienced by children before undergoing surgery, can significantly impact their well-being and recovery. Studies indicate that up to 75% of children may experience perioperative anxiety, a statistic that underscores the importance of effective interventions to alleviate their distress. […]
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overcome fear using virtual reality therapy

Virtual reality therapy(VR) in mental health

Revolutionizing Mental Health Care: Exploring the Boundless Potential of Virtual Reality Therapy In the realm of mental health care, where innovation meets compassion, virtual reality (VR) therapy emerges as a beacon of hope for individuals grappling with anxiety, phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Defined as the use of technological interfaces to create immersive 3D […]
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Virtual Reality Therapy

How effective is virtual reality therapy in the treatment of PTSD?

Virtual reality therapy has emerged as a groundbreaking intervention not only in the realm of immersive gaming experiences but also as a valuable tool in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD, characterized by persistent fear stemming from the incomplete processing of traumatic memories, poses significant challenges for mental health professionals. To address this, […]
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Will Gamers use real-world currency in a virtual world?

How Payments Will Work in the Metaverse The concept of the metaverse has ignited enthusiasm across the tech landscape, promising an interconnected virtual realm accessible through VR and AR. Industry behemoths like Meta (formerly Facebook), Nike, CocaCola, and Microsoft are among the many vying for a stake in this transformative digital frontier. Yet, as the […]
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