Paypal Uganda with forex bureau

Can i Pick up Paypal Money at Forex bureau in Uganda

You may wonder is it possible to pick up Paypal money  in Uganda at a Forex bureau! We very well know that Forex bureaus deal with money transfer and exchange and PayPal is also offering a similar service of intercontinental money sending and receiving  services but the two are  different entities that serve distinct purposes […]
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Card Declined By PayPal?

Your Card was declined by the issuing bank, please try a different card or contact your card issuer with questions If your card is being declined by PayPal, here are some possible causes and solutions. There could be several reasons why a PayPal account declines cards. Here are some common causes: Insufficient funds: If the […]
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How Paypal works

How does Paypal work?

Here are some common menu items you may find in PayPal and their explanations: Summary: This section provides an overview of your PayPal account, including your current balance, recent transactions, and any pending actions. Activity: Here you can view a detailed history of your transactions, including payments sent and received, purchases made, and any fees […]
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